Call us now on 01341 424650 - enquiries@trehernecaregroup.comCymraeg
Treherne Care Group specialises in the provision of adults aged 18+ with complex mental disorders and associated problems as indicated in the diagram below:
Psychosis and other associated Mental Disorders |
Learning Disabilities (mild to profound) |
Personality Disorders |
Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
Acquired Brain Injury |
Self-Injurious/Self-Harming Behaviours |
Those with a Forensic Background |
Degenerative Mental Disorders in Younger Adults E.g. Pick’s Dementia |
Addictive Personalities |
Obsessional Compulsive Disorders |
Alcohol and Substance Misuse |
Whatever the Mental Disorder (as defined by the Mental Health Act 1983/2007) our aim at Treherne Care Group is to provide the essence of community care to help each individual to reach their own full potential for independence, self-determination, autonomy and dignity.
All support packages are individualised, and person centred.
Our approach is based on Low arousal, Humanistic and Holistic principles.
We embrace the Person-Centred Active Support and Positive Behaviour Support approaches.
Learning Disability:
Our focus is about progression, rehabilitation, support and enabling the best outcomes for each individual. This is achieved through:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder:
Our focus is about support and enabling the best outcomes and skill development of each individual. This is achieved through:
Degenerative mental disorders and Acquired Brain Injury
Our focus is about support and enabling the best outcomes for individuals by promoting and maintaining mental wellbeing. This is achieved through:
Self-injurious behaviours, Alcohol and substance misuse:
Our focus is about rehabilitation, recovery and promoting/maintaining mental well-being. This is achieved through:
Personality Disorders:
Our focus is about rehabilitation and promoting/maintaining mental well-being. This is achieved through:
Forensic behaviour
Our service users may also present with a forensic background/predilection for criminalised behaviour as well as having a mental disorder. Our focus is about rehabilitation, recovery, risk management and promoting/maintaining mental well-being. This is achieved through:
Addictive Personalities
Our service users may also present with addictive personalities, particularly around alcohol and substance misuse. Our focus is about rehabilitation, recovery and promoting/maintaining mental well-being. This is achieved through:
Obsessional Compulsive Disorders
Our service users may also present with Obsessional Compulsive Disorders which can impact on their mental health and well-being. Our focus is about rehabilitation, recovery and promoting/maintaining mental well-being. This is achieved through:
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