Call us now on 01341 424650 - enquiries@trehernecaregroup.comCymraeg

Mission Statement

The mission of Treherne Care Group is:

To provide high quality care and support through the provision of individualised care and support packages within our residential and supported living services (specialised and ordinary accommodation settings).

  • Our aim is to enable, facilitate, support and guide individuals towards a rewarding life within the community for as long as their abilities allow them.
  • Our aim is to enable and achieve the best outcomes for individuals.
  • We place the rights of those in our care at the forefront of our philosophy of care/support.
  • Individuals can say what they expect and need from our service

The aim of our services is to enhance the quality of life and well-being of our service users, enable and achieve the best outcomes, provide good value for money for our purchasers, and ensure effective and proactive support for people with complex needs within our supported living arrangements and the wider community environments.

We recognise that to achieve these objectives we must make efficient utilisation of our resources and maintain a proper and reasonable balance among our obligations to our various stakeholders, including our service users and their families/significant others, purchasers/commissioners, employees and the community at large. These obligations include:

With respect to our service users

  • Deliver services which promote the physical, emotional and mental well-being of individuals
  • Deliver services which promote and enable the best outcomes for individuals
  • Deliver services which promote choice, competence, dignity and self-determination.
  • Deliver care and support in the natural setting that best matches individual needs and preferences and promotes community presence and participation.
  • Deliver services that are personalised and responsive to address the unique and changing strengths, needs and goals of each individual person we support.

With respect to our Purchasers:

  • Deliver services that are cost-effective and responsive to purchaser needs.
  • Deliver innovative and flexible services that are adaptive to changing needs.
  • Deliver services which aim to reduce the cost of care and support over time whenever possible.

With respect to our employees:

  • Provide statutory and service led training and supervision to enable everyone to successfully perform all aspects of their work.
  • Provide training, supervision and mentorship to enhance career opportunities.
  • Create a participative environment for setting goals, seeking their input, and encouraging individual responsibility and accountability.
  • Satisfy their individual needs for recognition, rewards, self-esteem and personal growth.

With respect to our Communities:

  • Conduct our operations in an ethical manner.
  • Deliver services that help address identified community needs in health and social services.
  • Promote a neighbourhood and community pride in their understanding and support of people with disabilities and complex needs.

Underpinning this we aim to ensure that we promote and enable a culture of openness and transparency; ensuring our commitment to our Duty of Candour


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